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Max makes waves at the 2009 World Masters Games

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Max makes waves at the 2009 World Masters Games

Max recently competed in the swimming championships at the 2009 World Masters games at Olympic Park in Sydney.

Despite tearing a bicep in his final training session the day before his first event, he went on to achieve the following amazing results in the 65-69 age group.

100m Butterfly

6th place

1 second faster than his 2005 and 2007 Australian Masters times

200m Butterfly

6th place

6 seconds faster than his all time personal best

200m Individual medley

12th place

14 seconds faster than his 2005 and 2007 Australian Masters times

400m Individual medley

6th place

24 seconds faster than his 2005 and 2007 Australian Masters times

My brothers and I had the privilege of watching our dad compete and his granddaughters were also witness to his courageous efforts, despite the pain. He showed us all, once again, that if you set your mind on achieving your goals you can accomplish anything. You are, as always, a true inspiration Maxie and we are all very proud of you. I think you even surprised yourself.

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